About the Author; W. Matthew Harris
My name is W. Matthew Harris. Let me be the first to explain a few minor details.
I am what they call an Apprentice Author. At this present time, I have one book in
publication. It's a trial piece. It's done OK, but not my best works. Moving on....I am
not an expert in English Grammar or an English scholar (I like auto-correct). I am
not a spelling B champion. I write small and mid-size books because I enjoy bringing
information to the minds of others. It is very relaxing and it helps to lower my blood
pressure not to mention, writing helps me to concentrate by way of meditation. What
I really enjoy is to thoroughly researching the topics of interest, "hence the topic of this
book". If the topic interests me, I want to know every little thing about it I can and
then memorize it.
>> Education
Ok, moving on....... I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Economics. Actually the economics kind of rolls into the Business Administration, but I began to have an intense interest in money and how I manipulate it, twist is, hide it, etc.. Point is, what is it? The Business Degree just gave me a better way to deal with it. I continue my education but mostly online through distance education in numerous advanced studies including essays, physics, economics, biophoton research analysis, quantum physics and business. With each book researched, written and published come further experience.
>> Politics
Trusting the Government was just not a way of life for me; so in 2012 I made a decision,"instead of fighting the Government, join them"; I ran for West Virginia House of Delegates as an Independent Republican. Boy did I find out how bad becoming a Politician can be. They are 1000 times worse than Lawyers. Huh, most of them were Lawyers. Shaking my head thinking to myself, how in the hell did we get this bad in our own nation? Our history is full of wars to fight against this kind of tyranny. And yet, we turn around and ask for it all over again. In 2014 I decided to put down the campaign stick and put my political ambitions on paper. Since society was not ready to hear me yet as a Politician, maybe they are ready to hear me as an Author!
>> Moving On...........
So these days, I have moved on to better waters. I actually am honored to teach Adult Education Classes in Berkeley and Jefferson County West Virginia. For those who are become or who would like to become dedicated readers, I promise to get better. I promise to keep writing. Please keep a look out for many more books. It is my deepest desire my readers are moved and educated by the information in my books.
Thank you… Enjoy the Books and Article Posted