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This page is dedicated to the theory of saving money and being cheap. I started this page on a bet to research all avenues of saving money and being cheap. Lets see what information I can bring to your attention.


Recently (this week) I have the attention of another individual (his website) who did not like the idea of competing with others against his website about being cheap and educating others. It got so bad about using each other's information for the benefit of our readers he actually threw a fit (temper-tantrum)-Andrew. As a Military Veteran and a combat veteran I am not one to back down nor whine when I do not get my way. I am easy going and pride myself in helping others achieve their personal goals. When others whine about not getting their way I take the steps of General Patton and want to slap the living shit out of the idiot. I do not have the patience for people who whine about not getting their way; "the poor me attitude". I know it's his position; he wants all the attention and does not have the position for another person taking all the action away from his spot-light. That's fine with me. My whole theory behind this website is and always will be-are the people getting the education they need to fatten their wallets? That's it. And that's my two cents.......



Your Money-Cheap Economics

These article are found through-out the internet-research and then published here. We do ask for your comments. We will consistently work on building this page specifically to be more user-friendly for the readers to inter-act more easily. Thank you in advance for your patience. 

What is time?

Time is a mystery; it's not what it seems. Time's flow feels unstoppable, yet some say time is not fundamental, perhaps not even real. Why do physicists and philosophers think time is a construct, something that emerges, not something that is basic? From where does time come? What is its deep essence?

All humans are bound by time. We live and breath by time. Our lives are bound by time. However, here is an interesting theory; have you as an individual taken a few minutes to sit down and actually thought about the theory of time? I have often sat done on my patio and looked down looking at a rock in my yard wondering what it's function was? What's it's purpose? 

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